Welcome to my photo galleries of 1/48 scale aircraft I built during the last years.

There might be better constructed and painted models out there, but I hope you will enjoy your visit anyway. I made these pages to show my work to other modelers since I am no member of any club and never joined any exhibitions or contests so far. Please contact me if you have any comments, suggestions or questions.

I have not updated this site for some years although I have finished lots of new models in the meantime. It took quite a while to remake the whole site with a new and (I hope) better design and creating new photo galleries. You will find a lot of new models, also older models that have been reworked and re-photographed. Some older models are missing and will be added again after I have finished improving them.

NEW: MiG-19


Copyright © 2002
Last updated on 29.08.2017